Horbiger foi aproveitado pelos nazis ( eterno retorno, conspiração judaica da relatividade de Einstein etc):
Hitler's fatal confidence in the success of his troops on the Russian front during the 1941 - 2 winter is generally believed to have been a result of his misplaced faith in Horbiger's weather forecasts. Despite such setbacks, the Welteislehre managed to thrive even after the war. The popular speculations of Immanuel Velikovsky derive in part from Horbiger. In 1953 a survey conduc- ted by Martin Gardner showed that more than a million people in Germany, England, and the U.S. believed that Horbiger was right.6 The Horbigerian cosmology posited an early epoch, some fifteen million years ago, during which a hugh moon moved across the sky very near the earth. Its gravitational attraction gave rise to a race of our ancestors, the giants. These giants, which appear in the ancient Norse and Icelandic sagas, sleep, yet they are alive. To the Nazis, they were Supermen. In one set of myths, contained in the Nibelungenlied, they lived beneath Teutonic mountains. In another they were prototype Aryans from the East, inhabiting VAST Tibetan caverns.Encontre no debate o eterno retorno e o grande gelo:
1 comentário:
Em Agosto estive numa de alemães: Sebald e Grass. Este ano resolvi, finalmente, ir a China (não sei se não é para obter mais informações acerca dos futuros patrões (Alemanha e China) pq informação é poder) ;).
A sua rentree tb me tras isso "informação".
Miss mundo chinesa...não quer fazer um post? Grass diz que após a guerra quando o poder economico da Alemanha aumentou o mundo começou a acreditar que as mulheres alemas podiam ser belas.
Oh mulheres portuguesas o PS/PSD faz-vos parecer feias.
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